Email: [email protected]
Family page:
Sea Captain - World Traveller - Actor - Musician
I am below sharing some hidden and often unknown spots from my recent travel as Captain onboard various ships and yachts around the World - from the Arctics to the Tropics.
My motto is - don't be a tourist! What I am going to show you are the hidden secrets, nooks and corners – the really interesting places to visit.
Vlog #1 - The Milne Province, Papua New Guinea
How I became honorary Chief and Warrior for the Booga Booga tribe, Papua New Guinea.
Vlog #2 - A hidden secret in the Arctics
The story behind a found piece of bone on Charles XII Island in the Arctics.
Vlog #3 - Hidden secrets in Indonesia
The encounter with the gigant dragons on Komodo Island, Indonesia.
Vlog #4 - Hidden secrets in Stockholm, Sweden
Discover one of the most hidden secrets in Stockholm.
Vlog #5 - Hidden secrets in Dakar, Senegal
This could possibly save your life when visiting Dakar.
Vlog #7 - Hidden secrets on Goree Island, Senegal
Discover the sacred stone which is healing hundreds of millions of people.
Vlog #7 - Questions & Answers
How to get a job on a yacht and what you can earn.
Vlog #8 - Hidden secrets on Lidingö, Sweden
A viking secret.
Vlog #9 - Hidden secrets in San Diego, USA
A champagne secret
Vlog #10 - Hidden secrets in Copenhagen
The amazing story behind the Danish history and about the Mermaid mutant twin sister.