Ulf Ström, Chairman, Swexit Party, has a background from the merchant marine. He obtained his sea captain's degree at Stockholm Merchant Marine Academy in 1979. An education that over the years has been supplemented with management studies at IMI, Geneva, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh and the Institute of Directors, London. In recent years, he has mainly acted as commander of expedition and passenger ships in the Arctic (ref Expeditions). (ref Expeditions).


[email protected]​​


    Ulf has also over the years been active in business development as CEO of, among others, ACI Worldwide (Nordic) AB (Nasdaq ACIW). For periods, he has been connected to various multinational EU projects, including as a representative of Cable & Wireless being in charge of the EU-funded BOLERO project, UK. A project that at the time produced an international platform and banking standard for electronic trading systems. During the past years, he has alternately lived in Stockholm, London and Oslo.

    The career has included responsibility for several successful start-up operations and business expansion projects in Scandinavia as well as several American and Nordic company establishments in the UK.
    Ulf Ström is married and now lives in Stockholm. More information about Ulf is available at

Ulf Ström




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